The Most Powerful Country in the World

America, the most powerful country in the world, is falling so fast, that it makes you think what are the real reasons. Something so big and powerful can't be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.

America, the most powerful country in the world, is falling so fast, that it makes you think what are the real reasons.

Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.

Illegal Immigrants

Americans are tired of having their ancestors compared to the illegal immigrants of today. Settling in an underdeveloped land and building a civilization is not comparable to showing up in a post-industrial nation and demanding benefits.

Americans are tired of having their ancestors compared to the illegal immigrants of today.

Settling in an underdeveloped land and building a civilization is not comparable to showing up in a post-industrial nation and demanding benefits.

The Precipice

We are quickly approaching The Storm of Storms, the Darkest of Nights, that Abyss that threatens to engulf our very way of life. We know this coming happening by many names, but perhaps most prominently we may refer to it as THE PRECIPICE. A day is coming very soon when the sun shall be eclipsed upon the land of America. For a season it will seem as though the sun has truly set on The United States of America, never to rise again. This shall not be the case, but the narrative film that is playing out across the world will make this reality seem plausible, and believable. Understand that this long day of darkness will pass, just as the happening of an eclipse also passes. This shall be America’s Apocalyptic moment; the near-death experience that will jolt the sleeping masses into an upright and eyes wide open state of mind. This will not be easy. The masses will not enjoy this. Nevertheless, we understand all too well how necessary this coming precipice is; this scare event that shall save America and preserve our way of life for future generations.

We are quickly approaching The Storm of Storms, the Darkest of Nights, that Abyss that threatens to engulf our very way of life. We know this coming happening by many names, but perhaps most prominently we may refer to it as THE PRECIPICE.

A day is coming very soon when the sun shall be eclipsed upon the land of America. For a season it will seem as though the sun has truly set on The United States of America, never to rise again. This shall not be the case, but the narrative film that is playing out across the world will make this reality seem plausible, and believable. Understand that this long day of darkness will pass, just as the happening of an eclipse also passes.

This shall be America’s Apocalyptic moment; the near-death experience that will jolt the sleeping masses into an upright and eyes wide open state of mind. This will not be easy. The masses will not enjoy this. Nevertheless, we understand all too well how necessary this coming precipice is; this scare event that shall save America and preserve our way of life for future generations.

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