Random Riddle: From Icy Realms

I came long ago, from icy realms far;
I may have seen the newborn Superstar.
Giants reached out to grab me, as they say;
I turned aside, and there my pathway lay.

England’s King, in me a dark omen saw;
People watched me in horror, fear, and awe.
And as the frightened folk did weep and wail,
I calmly left and then did turn my tail.

A pope banished me for my sins, ’tis said;
My travels in the Talmud can be read.
And sometimes I throw fire from the sky.
Now, reading this, can you say what am I?

Random Riddle: From Icy Realms



Random Riddle: Where’d You Get It?

Two men are sitting on a bench waiting for the bus. One is dressed very nicely and the other looks like a bum.

The bum says to the other, “I really like your shirt, where’d you get it?”

The second man replies, “I bought it at a very exclusive shop, I’m sure you’ve never heard of it,” clearly annoyed at the bum’s question.

The bum, clearly annoyed at the rich man’s snobbish behavior, says, “Is that so? Well, I bet you $50.00 I know where you got your shoes!”

The rich man took him up on the bet.

What answer got the poor man the $50.00?

Random Riddle: Where'd You Get It?



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