Anti-Gun School Shooter Witness Rehearses Spoon-fed Lines

An anti-gun Florida school shooter witness, David Hogg (whose Trump-hating dad works for the FBI), rehearses his spoon-fed lines

Anti-Gun School Shooter Witness Rehearses Spoonfed Lines

This is the same kid who repeated the lie that “there were 17 mass shootings so far this year” and Chris Wallace let him get away with it. Sickening. This is what the Deep State has resorted to, using highschool kids as pawns? I guess college students weren’t effective enough. Yes, his father is retired FBI.

Something fishy is going on.

David Hogg was also be interviewed as a ‘Witness’, on another side of the US, only months ago.

Cut to about 0:28

School shooting survivors demand action on gun control

Same kid on CNN. Was this scripted? Pay attention to the body language. Are these two lying or acting?

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