Random Riddle: KLMNO

Why is K like a sunrise?
Why is L like a warm furnace?
Why is M a favorite with miners?
Why is N like a pig?
Why is O the only of five vowels that you can hear?


Random Riddle: KLMNO



Random Riddle: From Icy Realms

I came long ago, from icy realms far;
I may have seen the newborn Superstar.
Giants reached out to grab me, as they say;
I turned aside, and there my pathway lay.

England’s King, in me a dark omen saw;
People watched me in horror, fear, and awe.
And as the frightened folk did weep and wail,
I calmly left and then did turn my tail.

A pope banished me for my sins, ’tis said;
My travels in the Talmud can be read.
And sometimes I throw fire from the sky.
Now, reading this, can you say what am I?

Random Riddle: From Icy Realms



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