President Barack Hussein Obama’s First 100 Days

Michael Gerson warns us what Obama would likely do as president in his first 100 days in office, if he sticks to his campaign rhetoric.

It’s worth reading the whole thing and may send a chill up your spine if you believe as I do that Barack Hussein Obama means what he says.

Obama’s First 100 Days

Obama’s 100-day agenda would be designed, in part, to improve America’s global image. But there is something worse than being unpopular in the world — and that is being a pleading, panting joke. By simultaneously embracing appeasement, protectionism and retreat, President Obama would manage to make Jimmy Carter look like Teddy Roosevelt.

Which is why President Obama would probably not take these actions — at least in the form he has pledged. Sitting behind the Resolute desk is a sobering experience that makes foolish campaign promises seem suddenly less binding.

But it is a bad sign for a candidate when the best we can hope is for him to violate his commitments. And that’s a good sign for John McCain.

Barak Obama “The Candy Man”

He is the “Candy Man” and Rush Limbaugh’s use of the Sammy Davis Jr. classic is right on the mark. Sammy Davis Jr. didn’t know it but he made a prophetic song in foreshadowing the arrival of Barak Obama on the political scene.

“Mixing things with love and making the world taste good,” is actually the basis of the Obama philosophy on global terrorism and foreign policy. Is that what we need to fight Al-Qaeda and jihadists worldwide?

Barack Obama And The Disarming Of America

Barack Hussein Obama has a plan for this great country of ours that should scare the crap out of any sane person who hears it. In a nutshell, he plans to hand this nation over to our enemies on a silver platter.

Considering the current state of the world we live in, to hear this type of rhetoric come out of a Presidential candidate’s mouth is beyond belief.

Watch this video and think about what this man is saying. He will leave us vulnerable to the world. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid….

I wonder if he still watches Barney, singing along, “I love you; you love me…”