Beer Gnomes

Beer Gnomes

Beer has to taste so much better when the bottles have gnomes on them.

The tales Norwegian Nisse may seldom find their way out of the comfort of their country, but Norsk Ol packaging turns these enchanting little characters into commodities that can be sold, exported, bought and drunk.

Ryanna Christianson designed these beverage bottles with an affection towards the tiny gnome-like creatures. In Scandinavian folklore, the bearded elves were known to live in barns and forests, and each was adapted to its own familiar environment. What seems to have happened here is that this product presents brewery Nisse, as one might expect to find a farm Nisse. However, Ryanna literally illustrated these bottles of alcohol to resemble the dwarfs with their pointed red hats, and Norsk Ol packaging even gives them a cardboard crate for a home, complete with cutout windows.
