Picture Of The Day: Obama Foreign Policy


Obama Foreign Policy

Artist Jon McNaughton released a new painting Monday critiquing President Barack Obama on foreign policy.

McNaughton is known for his controversial work, often mixing religion with politics. His latest work includes a grinning President Obama swinging a golf club as flames and clouds of smoke rise up behind him. The piece, titled “Obama Foreign Policy,” raises the question of international safety and stability since the president has taken office.

McNaughton explains on his Facebook page, “I felt a need to paint a new image to capture the delicate situation we face as Americans. What has happened since he’s been in office? Where is the stability and peace in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Israel, Palestine, China and North Korea? How are our veterans doing? Are American citizens safer as they travel abroad?”

McNaughton is no stranger to critical depictions of the president. Some of his previous paintings include, “One Nation Under Socialism,” which portrays President Obama holding a burning Constitution, and “Obamanation,” which depicts him smiling over a dystopian wasteland that McNaughton believes the president created.

The artist includes additional commentary explaining the golf element of the painting, “Since Obama has been President he has played over 200 rounds of golf. THIS is not a game. This is Obama’s Foreign Policy.”

McNaughton released a video to accompany his latest painting which dives further into the meaning behind “Obama Foreign Policy.”


Is the world a safer place since Obama was made President of the United States?

From the artist, Jon McNaughton: “I felt a need to paint a new image to capture the delicate situation we face as Americans.

What has happened since he’s been in office? Where is the stability and peace in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Israel, Palestine, China and North Korea? How are our veterans doing? Are American citizens safer as they travel abroad?

When the balance of the world seems to stand on the edge of a knife, where is our President?

Since Obama has been President he has played over 200 rounds of golf.

THIS is not a game.

This is Obama’s Foreign Policy.”

**Prints available at: http://www.JonMcNaughton.com


Obamanation – Jon McNaughton

Obamanation One Painting That Says It All

Artist and patriot Jon McNaughton explains the interactive painting he has created with 60 symbols that detail the “Obamanation” of the Barack Hussein Obama Presidency.

I chose to use an undisclosed studio so I could paint privately, without interruption, to focus on the task of embedding in a single painting all the subtle, mindless, radical and dangerous atrocities of the Obama administration.

I am just one person, a citizen of this country using my first amendment rights to speak out through my art. This is my declaration that we have never had a president do more to harm our country than Barack Obama.

To those who scoff or wish to trivialize this painting, I challenge you… I DARE YOU… study the links of the various symbols and metaphors that you see. There are over 60 in the painting. No person can analyze this image and learn about these facts and still, in good conscience, vote for Obama in 2012.

I do not hate Obama, but I hate the fact that I had to paint this picture. Has the painting gone too far? I knew when I did this that most Obama supporters would reject what I have done. But as a Conservative, I’m fed up with the corruption in Washington. And I’m sick of the political correctness that has derailed our country!

My art is an expression of the times in which I live and people will know how Jon McNaughton felt about being alive in America in 2012.

Take the Challenge! If you still choose Obama, congratulations…you’re a part of the Obamanation.


Controversial Artist Depicts Obama Trampling The Constitution

In front of the White House a man is sitting on a park bench in the throes of depression. He is surrounded by all 43 presidents. In the forefront, purposefully ignoring the depressed man is President Obama, whose right foot is stepping on the Constitution. James Madison is next to Obama, pleading with him to stop.

This tableau is called “The Forgotten Man”, a painting by Jon McNaughton, an artist who is known for his politically-charged work.

“For a long time I didn’t know if I wanted to paint this picture, because I worried it might be too controversial,” McNaughton explains in a voice over. “(T)his man (on the park bench) represents every man, woman, and child who is an American… he hopes to find the American dream of happiness and prosperity.

“But now because of unconstitutional acts imposed by the American people by our government we stand on the precipice of disasters,” he added.

McNaughton explained his position behind the painting. “I don’t place all the blame on Obama. On my website I try to explain what each president has done,” he said. “The thing I like about the painting is that it does get people talking.”

Read more…

One Nation Under God – Jon McNaughton

“One Nation Under God.”

This simple phrase, added to the pledge of allegiance over 50 years ago has been the source of unbelievable debate and heated controversy. Likewise, the phrase ‘In God We Trust’ on our currency has been targeted and continues to be attacked as improper and politically incorrect. Lawsuits have been filed and legal minds employed to ascertain whether such statements violate the concept of ‘separation of church and state’.

As this debate continues, some so called experts have implied or concluded that our Founding Fathers and Patriots were not religious. These secular champions, in an effort to further their own causes, have even painted these great men and women from our history as being devoid of religious passions or even a belief in God. This is a part of their strategy to remove any discussion of God from the public forum.

These men and women were passionately religious and saw the hand of God all around them. To God they gave Thanks for His Hand in the founding of this great nation. To Him, according to their own testimony they turned for wisdom and strength when life and liberty hung in the balance. Certainly the debate on separation of church and state will continue. But no one can dispute how our Founding Fathers and Patriots felt about God. The record is clear!

‘One Nation Under God’ is Jon McNaughton’s witness and reminder that those who went before us knew from whence their blessings came!