Orchestra Performs After Eating The World’s Hottest Chili Peppers

The Danish National Chamber Orchestra performs Tango Jalousie after eating the worlds hottest chili peppers. The orchestra, conducted by Chili Klaus, does a surprisingly good job of keeping it together until after they end the piece.

What do you get when you combine chili peppers and an orchestra? The answer: One entertaining video.

Danish YouTube star and chili pepper enthusiast Chili Klaus teamed up with the Danish National Chamber Orchestra to produce his newest video.

Klaus kicks off his video short alongside Erik Heide, concert master, as the two share a love for music and spicy peppers. “I think chili is an important ingredient to have in many parts of your life,” Heide says.

In what Klaus calls “a special mix of chili tasting and classical music,” the orchestra begins playing “Tango Jalousie,” while Klaus conducts the musicians. While all seems composed and controlled, the members pop one of the world’s hottest chili peppers in their mouths. Cue the tears, coughs and pained expressions.

According to Klaus’ Facebook page, the members chewed on one of three hottest peppers in the world — Carolina Reaper, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend and Ghost peppers.

As the video continues, the beet-red musicians carry on with their piece. And, sure enough, the groups completes the song to its entirety.

Naturally, the chamber orchestra was very relieved when it was over, The Mirrior says. At the end of the video, musicians are seen groaning, coughing and run off stage. Heide even doubles over on the stage after the performance.

While seemingly painful and borderline tortuous, the stunt proves to be equally impressive and cringe-worthy.



Orchestra Performs After Eating The Worlds Hottest Chili Peppers