20 Must-Read Reasons To Use Epsom Salt

Epsom salt, chemically known as magnesium sulfate, has a variety of surprising uses throughout your home.

20 Must-Read Reasons To Use Epsom Salt

Epsom salt (or “salts”) was first found in the waters of a town named Epsom, in England. As early as the 17th century there are records of people taking advantage of its natural properties. It was once the most popular medicinal remedy in England.

The incredible health benefits and versatility of Epsom salt — not to mention that it’s inexpensive —  make it a must-have for every home medicine cabinet.  Try some of these remedies:

  1. Body Aches: One of the most common uses for Epsom salt is to treat body aches. The magnesium and other compounds are absorbed into your skin and work to relieve aches and pains caused from tension and inflammation. Epsom salt draws toxins from your body to relieve swelling, sprains and bruises. To use, add 2 cups of Epsom salt to your bath and submerge yourself for at least 20 minutes. Your tired and achy feet will also thank you after a nice therapeutic soak at the end of a long day.
  2. Relaxation and Stress Relief: When your body is deficient in magnesium it can lower your serotonin levels, making you sad, while also affecting your appetite and sleep. When you soak in a bath of Epsom salts, it aids your body in the production of serotonin. Magnesium in the Epsom salt not only helps to reduce stress and improve your mood, but it also helps your cells produce energy. Who couldn’t benefit from a little natural energy boost? Plus studies show that those suffering from Lyme disease can greatly benefit from Epsom salt soaks. Just be sure the water is not too hot (keep it at 98 F). Ask your doctor for more information.
  3. Healthy Feet: Not only can Epsom salt be used to help relax tired feet, it can also be used to treat athlete’s feet and toenail fungus. Add 1/2 cup to warm water and soak those feet.
  4. Constipation Relief: For mild cases of constipation, Epsom salt can be used internally as a gentle laxative. Dissolve 1 teaspoon plain (no fragrances) in 8 oz. of water and drink. It is always wise to consult a physician before taking anything internally.
  5. Improve Circulation: Epsom salt is a great anti-inflammatory and has been shown to decrease inflammation while also increasing the elasticity of your arteries. Soak yourself in an Epsom salt bath a few times a week to improve circulation, lower blood pressure and to improve overall cardiovascular health.
  6. Sunburn Relief: Following a long day at the beach, we often find ourselves grabbing a bottle of the more commonly used aloe vera to soothe sun-baked skin. Epsom salt’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a great alternative for relief from too much sun exposure. In an empty spray bottle, mix in 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with 1 cup of water. Spray affected area.
  7. Splinter Removal:  Stubborn splinters often lead us to painstakingly digging at our skin with a pair of tweezers. Instead, try soaking in a bath of Epsom salts first. This increases the osmotic pressure of the skin, which will help draw the splinter to the surface. The magnesium will also help reduce inflammation around the splinter, making it easier to remove. If it’s just a toe or finger, dissolve 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a cup of warm water and soak.
  8. Exfoliate: No need to break the bank on expensive exfoliants or spa treatments. Epsom salt is a great natural exfoliant. To help get rid of dead skin and to remove impurities, add a pinch to your normal face wash, gently rub in a circular motion, and rinse.
  9. Acne Treatment: Epsom salt is also an effective natural face cleanser, containing antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties, making it a fantastic choice to treat acne. Before bed, mix a teaspoon of Epsom salt with your normal facial cleanser and wash as normal.
  10. Banish Blackheads: In addition to removing dead skin and clearing blemishes, Epsom salt works well at extracting blackheads. Mix one tsp of Epsom salt with four drops of iodine in a half-cup of hot water. Stir until dissolved. Once slightly cooled, massage the mixture into the affected skin, dry completely, wash with warm water and pat dry.
  11. Healthy Hair: Not only will your body thank you for adding Epsom salt into your daily routine, your hair will also benefit. To remove build up of styling products, including hairspray, mix 1 cup each of Epsom salt and lemon juice into a gallon of water. Cover and let the mixture sit for 24 hours before use. Simply pour over hair and let the mixture sit for 15-20 minutes. Wash and condition as usual. To add volume to your hair, combine equal parts conditioner and Epsom salt. Apply to hair and let sit for 20 minutes. The Epsom salt helps remove excess oil that weighs hair down.
  12. Hand Wash: Want to keep your hands soft and clean? Mix equal parts Epsom salt and baby oil. Store the moisturizing hand cleanser in bottles and keep by your sink.
  13. Cold and Flu Relief: At the first hint of a cold or flu, grab the Epsom salt. Soaking in an Epsom bath my boost your immune system, increasing white blood cells to help fight off infection. Epsom salt soaks also relax muscles and aches which aid in restorative sleep to help fight off infection.
  14. Poison Ivy Relief: A cold Epsom salt compress may help bring some relief to poison ivy sufferers by relieving irritation and swelling. Soak a cotton washcloth in an Epsom salt and water combination (2 tablespoons Epsom salt and 1 cup cold water) and apply to the affected area.
  15. Bug Bite Relief: To relieve the annoying itch that bugs can leave behind, mix 1/2 a cup of hot water and 1/2 a cup of Epsom salt in a spray bottle. Spray onto the affected skin. This spray also works well for other causes of itchy skin.
  16. Washing Pots and Pans: The abrasive textures of the salt crystals help to remove stuck-on food, without hurting your cookware. Simply pour a small amount of salt onto your pots or pans before you scrub them.
  17. Grout Cleaner: Mix equal parts Epsom salts and liquid dish detergent to create an effective tile and grout cleaner. Apply this mixture to stains in your bathroom or kitchen. Let it soak for a few minutes, scrub away grime, and rinse clean.
  18. Washing Machine Cleaner: Your washing machine can get surprisingly grungy. With use, laundry detergent and other contaminants build up inside machines. Epsom salt helps keep your washer running efficiently by removing unwanted gunk. Let the washing tub fill with hot water. Add 1 quart of white vinegar and 1 cup of Epsom salt. Let the machine agitate for a minute and then stop the cycle to let the solution sit in the machine for about an hour before continuing to finish the cycle. Run a rinse cycle before adding clothes.
  19. In the Yard and Garden: The benefits of Epsom salt do not stop in the house. Head out to the garden, where magnesium sulfate is great for greening up your yard and fertilizing your plants. It will also remove unwanted pests and slugs — just sprinkle a line around your garden to keep them out. Adding Epsom salt to your soil before planting vegetables gives it a boost of magnesium (test soil for deficiency first). You can also sprinkle Epsom salt around your plants for healthier foliage. About 1 tablespoon per 12 inches of height (once a month). Tomato plants also benefit from Epsom salt treatments — just water your vines with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in a gallon of water every two weeks. Acid-loving plants, like azaleas, roses, rhododendrons, blueberry, and hibiscus will also appreciate the treatment.
  20. Watering Plants: If your houseplants are turning yellow, they may have a magnesium or sulfate deficiency. Epsom salt to the rescue! Try adding a teaspoon of Epsom salt per gallon of water and water as usual, and occasionally spray the leaves with the solution, to help them grow lusher and greener.

Note: Epsom salt is not an all-purpose fertilizer. It will create healthier, greener, bushier houseplants only if your houseplants are deficient in magnesium or sulfate.


Aloe For Acne

Aloe For Acne
Aloe vera is used to manage mild to moderate acne by diminishing existing spots and treating acne scars with its vast healing qualities. It is not considered to be a cure for acne all together but is definitely one of the few natural remedies that is considered to truly make a positive impact on the effects of acne. The gel can be used anywhere on the body.

Acne is the common skin problem occurred when the pores of the skin become clogged with excess oil, dead cells and bacteria. It appears mostly on the face, chest and back in the pimples that are red in color.

Aloe vera is one of the popular and one of the oldest remedy for Acne. Its not only treats acne but also helps to treat burns, sunburn, heals wounds, minor abrasions and cuts. It is a plant that belongs to cactus-like species and its leaf contain a thick clear pulp that can be applied on the affected area to get faster relief from the skin problem.

Aloe vera has many properties like anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, pain inhibitor and coagulating agent, scar reducing property and stimulating cell growth which helps to treat the acne very effectively and naturally. It also contains essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and enzyme which our body and skin need to function properly by boosting up the immune system.

How Aloe Vera actually treats Acne:

  1. Aloe vera contains hormones called gibberellins and polysaccharides and it also acts as anti-bacterial which helps in killing the bacteria causing acne.
  2. It is a natural astringent that helps to remove the excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells which further causes clogs to your skin pores and causes bacterial infection.
  3. It also helps to stimulate the cell growth so that the damaged skin will heal faster and scar less.
  4. It acts as natural anti inflammatory which helps to reduce the redness, inflammation and pain that associated with acne.  It also has a soothing property
  5. It acts as pain inhibitor that reduces the pain when applied on the affected area. It deeply penetrates and blocks the pain in the deep layers and ease inflammation.
  6. It also reduces the scars very effectively why because it contains influential antioxidants that contained in the gel will helps to reduce the pain and mend your skin well.  It also contains zinc, vitamin C and E which helps to reduce the scars from the skin very quickly.

How to apply Aloe Vera to treat Acne:

Aloe vera is used in many ways to treat the acne. Here are some of the remedies to treat acne with aloe vera. If you don’t have aloe vera plant then immediately buy it from the stores as it not costs too much and not occupies too much place and not require too much of water. It’s always better to have an aloe vera plant in your garden. It can treat acne in other areas rather than face like back, chest, scalp, etc.

Remedy – 1: (Aloe Vera)

  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze it to extract its gel
  • Then take that gel and rub it on the acne affected part of the skin.
  • Repeat the process for twice a day for at least one week to get rid of the acne.

Remedy – 2: (Aloe Vera and Lemon)

  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze the gel from it (cut open the leaves to squeeze out the pulp)
  • Put this gel in the blender to make a fine gel
  • Add few drops of lemon or lime and then again blend it to mix all together.
  • Then put this fresh aloe vera lotion in a container and put it in the refrigerator.
  • Now apply some of this paste to your face like face mask every night before going to bed.
  • Leave it on like that for overnight and wash your face in the next day morning.
  • Repeat the process regularly, until you get relief from the acne and its scars.

Remedy – 3: (Aloe vera, Honey, Turmeric)

  • Take a fresh aloe vera gel and add a little of turmeric, honey, milk and few drops of rose water.
  • Mix it well and then apply this paste on the acne affected part of the skin
  • Allow it to stay on for about 15 – 20 minutes and wash it off thoroughly with water
  • Continue doing this process regularly to get rid of the acne soon.

Remedy – 4: (Aloe Vera Based Products)

  • Wash your face regularly twice day by using facial soap containing aloe vera i.e. once in the morning and once at the night time which helps to improve the symptoms and prevents further breakouts.
  • Or use aloe vera containing lotions, gels, soaps, cream to moisturize the entire face and other acne affected part of the skin to reduce the breakouts caused by the buildup of the excess oil, softens the skin and reduces the appearance of acne scars.




Sixty Uses Of Baking Soda

Sixty Uses Of Baking Soda

Bicarbonate of soda or baking soda has many different uses in the household. Although much more expensive products have been developed over the years to do the same jobs, baking soda can work for you just as well, if not better. Use it in the following ways:

1. To make your own baking powder, stir and sift together 2 parts of Cream of Tartar to 1 part baking soda and 1 part cornstarch.
2. Be sure to keep an extra box of baking soda by your stove in case of grease or electrical fire. Scatter the powder by the handful to safely put it out.
3. Keep a container of baking soda in your garage as well as in your car to put out a fire. It won’t damage anything it touches.
4. Baking soda will also put out fires in clothing, fuel, wood, upholstery and rugs.
5. Clean vegetables and fruit with baking soda. Sprinkle in water, soak and rise the produce.
6. Wash garbage cans with baking soda.
7. Soak and wash diapers with baking soda.
8. Oil and grease – stained clothing washes out better with soda added to the washing water.
9. Clean your fridge and freezer with dry soda sprinkled on a damp cloth. rinse with clear water.
10. Deodorize your fridge and freezer by putting in an open container of baking soda to absorb odors. Stir and turn over the soda from time to time. Replace every 2 months.
11. Soda absorbs kitty litter odors. Cover the bottom of the kitty box with 1 part soda; then add a layer of 3 parts kitty litter on top.
12. Always add 1/2 cup soda to your washing machine load.
13. Clean combs and brushes in a soda solution.
14. Wash food and drink containers with soda and water.
15. Wash marble-topped furniture with a solution of 3 tablespoons of soda in 1 quart of warm water. Let stand awhile, then rinse.
16. Clean formica counter tops with baking soda on a damp sponge.
17. Wash out thermos bottles and cooling containers with soda and water to get rid of stale smells.
18. To remove stubborn stains from marble, formica or plastic surfaces, scour with a paste of soda and water.
19. Wash glass or stainless steel coffee pots (but not aluminum) in a soda solution ( 3 tbsp. soda to 1 quart water).
20. Run you coffee maker through its cycle with a soda solution. Rinse.
21. Give baby bottles a good cleaning with soda and hot water.
22. Sprinkle soda on barbecue grills, let soak, then rinse off.
23. Sprinkle soda on greasy garage floor. Let stand, scrub and rinse.
24. Polish silverware with dry soda on a damp cloth. Rub, rinse and dry.
25. For silver pieces without raised patterns or cemented-on handles: place the silver on aluminum foil in an enamel pot. Add boiling water and 4 tbsp. baking soda. Let stand, rinse and dry.
26. Reduce odor build-up in your dishwasher by sprinkling some soda on the bottom.
27. Run your dishwasher through its cycle with soda in it instead of soap to give it a good cleaning.
28. To remove burned-on food from a pan: let the pan soak in soda and water for 10 minutes before washing. Or scrub the pot with dry soda and a moist scouring pad.
29. For a badly-burned pan with a thick layer of burned-on food: pour a thick layer of soda directly onto the bottom of the pan, then sprinkle on just enough water so as to moisten the soda. Leave the pot overnight, then scrub it clean next day.
30. Rub stainless steel and chrome with a moist cloth and dry baking soda to shine it up. Rinse and dry. On stainless steel, scrub in the direction of the grain.
31. Clean plastic, porcelain and glass with dry soda on a damp cloth. Rinse and dry.
32. Remove that bad smell from ashtrays with soda and water.
33. Sprinkle a bit of dry soda in your ashtrays to prevent smoldering and reduce odor.
34. Clean your bathroom with dry soda on a moist sponge – sink, tub, tiles, shower stall, etc.
35. Keep your drains clean and free-flowing by putting 4 tablespoons of soda in them each week. Flush the soda down with hot water.
36. Soak your shower curtains in water and soda to clean them.
37. To remove strong odors from your hands, wet your hands and rub them hard with soda, then rinse.
38. Sprinkle baking soda on your wet toothbrush and brush your teeth and dentures with it.
39. Sprinkle soda in tennis shoes, socks, boots and slippers to eliminate odor.
40. Add 1/2 cups or more of baking soda to your bath water to soften your skin.
41. Putting 2 tbsp. of baking soda in your baby’s bath water will help relieve diaper rash irritations.
42. Apply soda directly to insect bites, rashes and poison ivy to relieve discomfort. Make a paste with water.
43. Take a soda bath to relieve general skin irritations such as measles and chicken pox.
44. Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water to relieve acid indigestion or heartburn.
45. Gargle with 1/2 tsp. baking soda in 1/2 glass of water. Freshens and cleans your mouth.
46. Used as a mouthwash, baking soda will also relieve canker sore pain.
47. To relieve sunburn: use a paste of baking soda and water.
48. Bug bites: use a poultice of baking soda and vinegar.
49. Bee sting: use a poultice of baking soda and water.
50. Windburns: moisten some baking soda and apply directly.
51. Making Play Clay with baking soda: combine 1 1/4 cups water, 2 cups soda, 1 cup cornstarch.
52. Use soda as an underarm deodorant.
53. If your baby spits up on his shirt after feeding, moisten a cloth, dip it in baking soda and dab at the dribbled shirt. The odor will go away.
54. When scalding a chicken, add 1 tsp. of soda to the boiling water. The feathers will come off easier and flesh will be clean and white.
55. Repel rain from windshield. Put gobs of baking soda on a dampened cloth and wipe windows inside and out.
56. Add to water to soak dried beans to make them more digestible.
57. Add to water to remove the “gamey” taste from wild game.
58. Use to sweeten sour dishcloths.
59. Use dry with a small brush to rub canvas handbags clean.
60. Use to remove melted plastic bread wrapper from toaster. Dampen cloth and make a mild abrasive with baking soda.
