The Strongest Girl In The World Prank

You have to give the little girl credit for keeping a straight face.

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This little girl managed to get so many donations that nobody can even lift the buckets full of coins… except her because she’s the strongest girl in the world! Either that or the buckets are tricked. I wish she caught some Jersey Shore type guys just to see the look on their face.

Abbey Watson: The 13-Year-Old Record-Holding Powerlifter

Bacon… The breakfast of champions!

Abbey Watson is 105.75 pounds. She can squat with 143.3 pounds. She can deadlift 176 pounds. And for these feats of strength, Watson has eight different world records and 23 U.S. and Colorado state records.

Here’s the kicker: Watson is only the eighth grade. Impressed? There’s more. Yahoo News reports, is that Watson, 13, only started weight training in this capacity three years ago.

What is the key to Watson’s success? Perhaps, it’s that bacon is her favorite food, which her coach Jonathan Sabar said would be fine in a “well-rounded paleo diet”. But Sabar’s theory is more likely:

“I think the reason Abbey is lifting weight that surpasses adults is because she‘s never been told she can’t do it.”

KUSA reports that Watson hopes to go to the Olympics for weightlifting someday.
