Dishwasher Loading – Teenage Instructional Video

After teaching his kids how to change a roll of toilet paper, Will Reid returns with his second “teenage instructional video,” in which he shows his kids how to load a dishwasher.


Well here it is! The tricky second video. I honestly didn’t think there would be another one as the first one was spontaneous and meant as a joke. A joke that seems to have struck a chord with quite a few people!!

I have really enjoyed reading all your comments and suggestions and because of that, I decided to give it a go and see what you all think. All I ask is please don’t take any of this too seriously. It is all just a bit of fun and who knows, maybe James and Beth may one day actually load the dishwasher or change the toilet roll?!! Sandra and I certainly hope so!!

I hope this raises a smile and maybe some knowing nods? If it does, please share and lets see what happens. Despite my kids saying that I’m not funny and no one would be interested, I guess I have shown them that maybe Dads do know a thing or two about the internet! Who would have thought?!!!

Oh and the web site thing? You can now buy a T shirt with either instructions on or maybe even my name and face. You lucky people!! What is that all about? I apologise now.


Dishwasher Loading - Teenage Instructional Video


Do You Pre-Rinse Your Dishes?

Do you pre-rinse your dishes before washing them in the dishwasher? You may be wasting water, if you believe this research by Consumer Reports:

Some time-worn habits are hard to break like rinsing your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. But stopping this ritual pays off in time and money. Not only will you save water but the energy it takes to heat it as well. Dishwashers are made to do dirty jobs so just scrape the excess food from the plates and let the machine do the rest of the work.

Pre-rinsing your dishes in the sink can easily waste more than 6,000 gallons of water per household each year. If you want to wash your dishes before the machine is full, use the rinse-and-hold cycle, which uses about half the water you’d consume hand washing them. And to get the dishes their cleanest, load large items at the side and back so they don’t block the water. And face the soiled surfaces inward so they’re hit by the spray.

What do you think? Do you believe Consumer Reports?
