89 Year Old D-Day Veteran Parachutes Into Normandy Again

89 Year Old D-Day Veteran Parachutes Into Normandy Again
89 Year Old D-Day Veteran Jock Hutton

89 Year Old D-Day veteran Jock Hutton returns to the drop zone in Normandy he landed in 70 years ago as remembers his part of the operation to liberate of Europe from Nazi occupation during the Second World War

In the early hours of 6 June 1944 around 7,900 troops from the British 6th Airborne Division landed on the beaches of Normandy in the largest amphibious assault ever launched.

Among them were the men from Parachute Battalion, whose achievements were vital to the success of the operation and the liberation of Europe from Nazi occupation during the Second World War.

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings, 89-year-old D-Day veteran Jock Hutton returned to the drop zone he landed in Normandy.

He remembers that his commanding officer brought with him a hunting horn so that the parachute soldiers would be able come to a rallying point after they landed in the dark.

“It certainly was a big help to those groping in the dark,” he said


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