The Green Beret Affair: How a CIA Plot Backfired in Vietnam

How the CIA framed the Green Berets for murder in Vietnam, and how the case exposed the secret war within the war.

In 1969, a shocking scandal rocked the US military and the public. A group of elite soldiers, known as the Green Berets, were accused of murdering a Vietnamese double agent and covering up the crime. The case exposed a secret war within the war, involving the CIA, the Army, and the Special Forces. It also raised questions about the morality and legality of covert operations in a foreign country. This is the story of the Green Beret affair, and how it revealed the dark side of the Vietnam War.

The Green Berets and the CIA

The Green Berets, officially called the US Army Special Forces, were created in the 1950s to conduct unconventional warfare, such as guerrilla warfare, counterinsurgency, and psychological operations. They were trained to work with local allies, speak foreign languages, and operate behind enemy lines. They were also known for their distinctive headgear, a green beret that symbolized their elite status.

The CIA, or Central Intelligence Agency, was the main US intelligence agency, responsible for gathering and analyzing information, conducting espionage, and carrying out covert actions. The CIA had a long history of involvement in Vietnam, dating back to the 1950s, when it supported the anti-communist regime of South Vietnam and its leader, Ngo Dinh Diem. The CIA also recruited and trained agents, informers, and spies among the Vietnamese population, especially among the ethnic minorities, such as the Montagnards, who lived in the mountainous regions near the border with Laos and Cambodia.

The Green Berets and the CIA had a close and complicated relationship in Vietnam. On one hand, they shared a common goal of fighting communism and supporting the South Vietnamese government. On the other hand, they often had different agendas, methods, and interests. The Green Berets focused on building rapport and trust with the local people, while the CIA relied on bribes, threats, and deception. The Green Berets operated under the military chain of command, while the CIA answered to a civilian authority. The Green Berets valued loyalty and honor, while the CIA valued secrecy and results.

The Green Berets and the CIA also competed for resources, influence, and control over the covert operations in Vietnam. The CIA had more money, power, and access to the highest levels of the US government. The Green Berets had more experience, expertise, and respect among the Vietnamese allies. The CIA typically interfered with the Green Berets’ missions, and the Green Berets often resented the CIA’s meddling. The CIA also used the Green Berets as its own private army, hiring them to carry out its dirty work, such as assassinations, sabotage, and kidnappings.

The Double Agent and the Murder

One of the CIA’s most valuable assets in Vietnam was a man named Thai Khac Chuyen, a Vietnamese national who worked as an interpreter and a liaison officer for the Green Berets. Chuyen was also a double agent, who secretly reported to the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong, the communist guerrillas who fought against the US and the South Vietnamese. Chuyen provided the communists with vital information about the Green Berets’ activities, locations, and plans. He also sabotaged some Green Berets’ operations, such as blowing up a radio station and a bridge.

The CIA was unaware of Chuyen’s betrayal, until one of its own agents, a Montagnard named Y Bham Enuol, defected to the North Vietnamese and revealed Chuyen’s identity. The CIA then informed the Green Berets of Chuyen’s treachery, and ordered them to capture and interrogate him. The Green Berets, led by their commander, Colonel Robert Rheault, devised a plan to lure Chuyen into a trap. They invited him to join them on a trip to Nha Trang, a coastal city in South Vietnam, where they planned to kidnap him and take him to a secret location for questioning.

The plan went smoothly, until the Green Berets realized that they had a problem. They had no legal authority to detain Chuyen, who was a civilian employee of the US government. They also had no way to transport him to a secure facility, without arousing suspicion or attracting attention. They decided to improvise, and took Chuyen to a nearby island, where they tied him to a tree and interrogated him for several hours. Chuyen confessed to being a double agent, and gave the names of his contacts and handlers. He also begged for mercy, and offered to cooperate with the Green Berets.

The Green Berets faced a dilemma. They had obtained valuable information from Chuyen, but they also had a dangerous enemy in their hands. They could not release him, because he would expose their operation and endanger their lives. They could not turn him over to the South Vietnamese authorities, because they would torture him and execute him. They could not bring him back to the US, because they would face legal charges and public scrutiny. They could not keep him on the island, because they would risk being discovered and attacked. They decided to take matters into their own hands, and eliminate Chuyen.

The Green Berets, with the approval of Colonel Rheault, injected Chuyen with a lethal dose of morphine, and threw his body into the sea. They then fabricated a cover story, claiming that Chuyen had escaped from their custody, and that they had lost track of him. They reported their version of the events to the CIA, and hoped that the matter would be closed. They were wrong.

The Arrest and the Trial

The CIA was not satisfied with the Green Berets’ explanation, and launched an investigation into Chuyen’s disappearance. The CIA suspected that the Green Berets had killed Chuyen, and wanted to find out the truth. The CIA also wanted to protect its own reputation, and avoid any scandal or controversy. The CIA pressured the Army to cooperate with its inquiry, and threatened to expose the Green Berets’ involvement in its covert operations.

The Army, under the command of General Creighton Abrams, the top US military officer in Vietnam, agreed to assist the CIA, and ordered the arrest of the Green Berets. On July 6, 1969, seven Green Berets, including Colonel Rheault, were taken into custody and charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder. They were flown to a military prison in Long Binh, where they were held in isolation and interrogated. They were also denied access to their lawyers, their families, and the media.

The arrest of the Green Berets caused a sensation in the US and around the world. The Green Berets were seen as heroes, who had risked their lives to fight communism and defend freedom. The public was outraged by the treatment of the Green Berets, and demanded their release and exoneration. The media was fascinated by the story, and speculated about the motives and the evidence behind the charges. The politicians were divided, and debated about the implications and the consequences of the case. The Green Berets became the center of a national controversy, and a symbol of the moral and legal dilemmas of the Vietnam War.

The Green Berets, meanwhile, prepared to defend themselves in a court-martial, a military trial. They hired lawyers, who challenged the validity and the legality of the charges. They claimed that they had acted in self-defense, and that they had followed the orders and the rules of the CIA. They also argued that they had done their duty, and that they had served their country. They also revealed some secrets and the details of their covert operations, and exposed the role and the responsibility of the CIA.

The CIA, however, denied any involvement or knowledge of the murder of Chuyen. The CIA claimed that it had only asked the Green Berets to interrogate Chuyen, and that it had not authorized or condoned his killing. The CIA also refused to cooperate with the defense, and withheld any evidence or witnesses that could support the Green Berets’ claims. The CIA also tried to distance itself from the Green Berets, and portrayed them as rogue agents, who had acted on their own and violated the law.

The trial of the Green Berets was set to begin on September 29, 1969, in Fort McPherson, Georgia. It was expected to be a long and complex trial, involving hundreds of witnesses, thousands of documents, and countless issues and arguments. It was also expected to be a historic and controversial trial, that would reveal the truth and the consequences of the Green Beret affair, and the CIA’s role in the Vietnam War.

The Dismissal and the Aftermath

The trial of the Green Berets, however, never took place. On September 28, 1969, the day before the trial was scheduled to start, the Army announced that it had dropped all the charges against the Green Berets, and that it had released them from custody. The Army stated that it had dismissed the case, because it had found insufficient evidence to prove the guilt of the Green Berets, and because it had encountered difficulties in obtaining the cooperation of the CIA. The Army also stated that it had decided to end the case, in order to preserve the national security and the public interest.

The dismissal of the case was a surprise and a relief for the Green Berets, who had faced the possibility of life imprisonment or death penalty. They were greeted by their families, friends, and supporters, who celebrated their freedom and their vindication. They were also praised by their fellow soldiers, who admired their courage and their loyalty. They were also honored by their commander-in-chief, President Richard Nixon, who invited them to the White House, and thanked them for their service and their sacrifice.

The dismissal of the case was also a disappointment and a frustration for the CIA, who had hoped to convict and punish the Green Berets, and to clear its own name. The CIA felt that the Army had caved in to the public pressure and the political interference, and had sacrificed the justice and the truth. The CIA also feared that the case would damage its credibility and its authority, and would expose its secrets and its operations.

The dismissal of the case was also a controversy and a mystery for the public, who had followed the case with interest and curiosity. The public wondered why the charges had been dropped, and what had really happened to Chuyen. The public also questioned the role and the responsibility of the CIA, and the legality and the morality of its actions. The public also debated the ethics and the consequences of the war, and the rights and the duties of the soldiers.

The Green Beret affair was one of the most sensational and scandalous episodes of the Vietnam War, and one of the most revealing and disturbing examples of the CIA’s involvement and influence in the war. The case showed the complexity and the conflict of the covert operations, and the difficulty and the danger of the special forces. The case also reflected the confusion and the controversy of the war, and the division and the disillusionment of the nation. The case was a turning point and a tragedy for the Green Berets, the CIA, and the US.

How TikTok is Watching You and Manipulating Your Mind

TikTok is using your front camera to spy on you and manipulate your emotions. Learn how this app is a sinister threat to your privacy and freedom.

TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps in the world, with over 2 billion downloads and 1 billion active users. It allows you to create and watch short videos on various topics, such as music, comedy, dance, and more. You might think that TikTok is just a harmless way to have fun and express yourself, but there is a dark side to this app that you may not be aware of.

TikTok and China

TikTok is owned by a Chinese company called ByteDance, which has close ties to the Chinese government and its censorship policies. This means that TikTok has to follow the rules and regulations of China, which are often oppressive and restrictive. For example, TikTok has been accused of censoring content that criticizes the Chinese government, such as the Hong Kong protests, the Uyghur genocide, and the coronavirus outbreak. TikTok has also been accused of promoting content that supports the Chinese government, such as propaganda videos and nationalist messages.

TikTok and Your Emotions

But censorship is not the only way that TikTok is influencing your views and opinions. TikTok is also using a sophisticated algorithm that analyzes your behavior and preferences, and then feeds you content that matches your interests and keeps you hooked. This algorithm is based on several factors, such as the videos you watch, the videos you like, the videos you comment on, the videos you share, the accounts you follow, and the hashtags you use. But there is one factor that you may not know about: the front camera on your phone.

TikTok is using the front camera on your phone to watch your facial reactions when you watch videos. This is called facial recognition technology, and it can detect your emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust. TikTok is using this information to determine how you feel about the videos you watch, and then adjust the content accordingly. For example, if you smile or laugh when you watch a video, TikTok will show you more videos that make you happy. If you frown or look bored when you watch a video, TikTok will show you fewer videos that make you unhappy.

TikTok and Your Mind

This may sound like a good thing, because TikTok is trying to make you enjoy the app more and give you what you want. But there is a sinister aspect to this technology, because TikTok is not only giving you what you want, but also what it wants. TikTok is using your facial reactions to manipulate your emotions and opinions, and to influence your behavior and decisions. For example, TikTok may show you videos that make you angry or scared about a certain topic, such as politics, religion, or social issues. This may make you more likely to agree with the views and opinions of the video, or to take action based on the video. TikTok may also show you videos that make you happy or excited about a certain topic, such as products, celebrities, or trends. This may make you more likely to buy the products, follow the celebrities, or join the trends.

TikTok is not only watching you, but also controlling you. It is using your emotions to shape your thoughts and actions, and to make you more loyal and addicted to the app. This is a dangerous form of psychological manipulation, and it can have serious consequences for your mental health, your personal relationships, and your social values. You may lose your sense of identity, your critical thinking skills, and your free will. You may become more isolated, more polarized, and more susceptible to misinformation and propaganda.


TikTok is not just a social media app, but a powerful tool for social engineering. It is using your front camera to spy on you and to brainwash you. It is not respecting your privacy, your dignity, or your autonomy. Likewise, it is exploiting your emotions, your curiosity, and your vulnerability. It is not your friend, but your enemy.

The next time you open TikTok, remember that you are not only watching videos, but also being watched. Remember that you are not only expressing yourself, but also being influenced. Remember that you are not only having fun, but also being manipulated. Remember that TikTok is not a harmless app, but a sinister threat.

Follow the Money: Corruption and Ukraine

Discover the hidden truths behind Ukraine's leaders and their involvement in corruption.

As we delve into the murky world of corruption, Ukraine emerges as a prime example of how power and money can distort the best of intentions. The country has long been plagued by political and financial scandals, with billions of dollars in foreign aid disappearing without a trace. In this article, we will explore the history of corruption in Ukraine, focusing on the current leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the involvement of U.S. political figures. We will examine Zelenskyy’s net worth and multiple luxury homes as potential indicators of corruption. We will discuss why sending billions of dollars in foreign aid to Ukraine may not be the wisest decision due to the lack of transparency and accountability.

The History of Corruption in Ukraine

Corruption in Ukraine has been a persistent issue since the country gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The country’s political and economic systems were built on a foundation of corruption, with bribery, cronyism, and embezzlement becoming the norm. The lack of transparency and accountability in the government allowed for widespread corruption to flourish, with politicians and businessmen enriching themselves at the expense of the Ukrainian people.

The Orange Revolution of 2004 was a turning point in Ukraine’s history, as it brought to light the extent of corruption within the government. The revolution was sparked by widespread allegations of electoral fraud, with then-President Viktor Yanukovych accused of rigging the election in his favor. The revolution led to the election of Viktor Yushchenko, who promised to tackle corruption and improve the country’s democratic institutions. However, despite some progress, corruption remained a significant issue in Ukraine, with the country consistently ranking low in global corruption rankings.

The Current Leader and His Alleged Corruption

The current leader of Ukraine is Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was elected president in 2019 with a landslide victory of 73% of the vote. Zelenskyy is a former comedian and actor, who rose to fame with his TV show “Servant of the People,” where he played a teacher who becomes president after his anti-corruption rant goes viral. Zelenskyy ran on a platform of anti-corruption, anti-establishment, and pro-European integration, promising to end the war in the east, fight the oligarchs, and bring new faces and fresh ideas to politics.

However, after more than two years in office, Zelenskyy has failed to deliver on his promises and expectations. Instead of breaking the cycle of corruption, he has become part of it. Some allegations and evidence of his corruption are:

  • His net worth is estimated to be between $20 million and $30 million, which is far more than what he earned as a comedian or declared as his income. He has not explained the source of his wealth or how he acquired it.
  • He owns multiple luxury homes in Ukraine and abroad, including a mansion in Kyiv, a villa in Italy, and an apartment in London. He has not disclosed the value or ownership of these properties, or how he paid for them.
  • He is linked to Ihor Kolomoisky, one of the most notorious oligarchs in Ukraine, who is accused of embezzling billions of dollars from PrivatBank, the largest bank in the country, which was nationalized in 2016. Kolomoisky was the owner of the TV channel that aired Zelenskyy’s show and supported his presidential campaign. Zelenskyy has appointed several of Kolomoisky’s associates to key positions in his administration, and has resisted the efforts of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United States to recover the stolen funds and bring Kolomoisky to justice.
  • He has interfered with the work of the anti-corruption agencies and the judiciary, which are supposed to be independent and impartial. He has dismissed, replaced, or pressured the heads of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, and the Constitutional Court, who were investigating or ruling on cases involving him, his allies, or his opponents.
  • He has used his power to benefit his friends and family, who have gained access to lucrative contracts, positions, and privileges from the state. For example, his childhood friend and former lawyer, Andriy Yermak, is his chief of staff and one of the most influential figures in his administration. Yermak’s brother, Denys, is the deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine, the main intelligence agency in the country. Yermak’s son, Oleksandr, is a member of parliament from Zelenskyy’s party and the head of the parliamentary committee on law enforcement.

The involvement of U.S. Political Figures

U.S. political figures have also been implicated in the corruption scandals surrounding Ukraine. One notable example is former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been accused of using his influence to help his son, Hunter Biden, secure a lucrative position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. Biden allegedly threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees unless the Ukrainian government removed a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

Another example is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was accused of using her position to secure favorable business deals for her family’s foundation. Clinton allegedly approved the sale of a uranium company with ties to Russia, despite concerns about potential conflicts of interest. In return, the company donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, raising questions about the influence of money in politics.

Why Sending Billions in Foreign Aid is a Bad Idea

Despite the rampant corruption in Ukraine, the United States has continued to send billions of dollars in foreign aid to the country. In 2020 alone, the U.S. provided $400 million in aid to Ukraine, with much of it going towards military and security assistance. However, without proper oversight and accountability measures, there is no guarantee that this aid will be used effectively or reach its intended recipients.

The lack of an audit trail in Ukraine makes it difficult to track the flow of funds and ensure that they are being used for their intended purposes. This has led to concerns that U.S. taxpayer dollars may be going towards corrupt politicians and businessmen, rather than supporting the Ukrainian people.


The history of corruption in Ukraine is a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of transparency and accountability in government. Despite the election of a new leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who promised to tackle corruption, the country continues to struggle with political and financial scandals. The involvement of U.S. political figures in these scandals only serves to highlight the global nature of corruption and the need for greater oversight and accountability in all aspects of government. Until these issues are addressed, sending billions of dollars in foreign aid to Ukraine may not be the best use of resources, as there is no guarantee that the money will be used effectively or reach its intended recipients.

The Mystery of Atlantis

Embark on a journey through myth and mystery as we unravel the mystery of Atlantis — a sunken empire or a fabled tale? Dive into the depths of time.

Atlantis: a name that echoes through the halls of myth and legend, mingling whispers of a grand civilization swallowed by the sea. This story has been told and retold across generations, leaving many to wonder about the truth behind this sunken empire. Was Atlantis real, or was it just a fable? The fascination around this mysterious land is not just a matter of storytelling; it’s about our human quest for discovery, for understanding the depths of our past. Let’s dive into the oblivion of time and explore various theories about the ultimate fate and location of Atlantis.

Plato’s Atlantis: The Origin of the Legend

To talk about Atlantis, we must start with the seminal work of the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato. Around 360 BCE, Plato described Atlantis as a powerful and advanced kingdom that existed about 9,000 years before his own time. As the story goes, after failing to invade Athens, Atlantis was punished by the gods and sunk into the Atlantic Ocean in a single day and night of catastrophic destruction. But here’s the catch: Plato was known for using allegory and metaphor in his writings to convey deeper philosophical truths. Did he invent Atlantis as a moral tale, or was he passing on a historical record?

The Hunt for a Lost Civilization

Since the time of Plato, scholars, adventurers, and the just plain curious have scanned the globe in search of physical evidence for this lost civilization. The potential whereabouts of Atlantis have sparked dozens of hypotheses, suggesting locations that span from the Mediterranean Sea to the far-off Antarctic. Each theory paints a vivid picture of a vast metropolis, filled with advanced technology and culture, now lying dormant beneath the waves.

Atlantic Ocean: The Classic Locale

The most straightforward of the theories about Atlantis is that it rested in the Atlantic Ocean, just as Plato proposed. Proponents of this idea believe that the remnants of the city could be found in the area of the Azores, a group of volcanic islands in the mid-Atlantic. They argue that these islands could be the peaks of the massive mountain range of the sunken continent.

However, geologists often counter this theory, stating that the movements of tectonic plates in that region do not support the possibility of a landmass sinking in such a manner. Although appealing to our imaginations, the evidence for Atlantis in the Atlantic is more dream than reality.

The Minoan Civilization: A Real-Life Atlantis?

Heading east, we reach the Mediterranean Sea, where some researchers have matched the story of Atlantis with the real-life Minoan civilization. Flourishing on the island of Crete and neighboring Santorini, the Minoans were incredibly advanced for their time. Moreover, Santorini suffered a cataclysmic volcanic eruption around 1,600 BCE, which destroyed much of the island and generated massive tsunamis, potentially inspiring the tale of Atlantis. Archaeological discoveries, such as intricate artwork and sophisticated buildings, reinforce the Minoans as strong candidates for the true Atlantis. Yet, timelines between Plato’s accounts and the Minoan disaster do not align perfectly, leaving room for doubt.

Antarctica: A Frozen Atlantis?

What if Atlantis was not sunken, but instead frozen? Some truly out-of-the-box thinkers have posited that Atlantis could be none other than icy Antarctica. This idea relies heavily on the assumption that the earth’s crust might have shifted drastically, moving a once-temperate Atlantis to the South Pole. Unfortunately, geological studies have largely debunked this notion, suggesting such a shift never happened — at least not in the sudden way required to freeze Atlantis in time.

Edgar Cayce’s Vision of Atlantis

Among the myriad theories lies the perspective of Edgar Cayce, known as “The Sleeping Prophet.” Cayce, a mystic and psychic from the early 20th century, offered a unique view through readings he performed while in a trance-like state. He spoke of Atlantis as a highly advanced society, with technologies that surpassed even our current capabilities. According to Cayce, Atlantis wasn’t confined to a single spot but was spread across three separate areas: the Gulf of Mexico, the North Atlantic, and the Mediterranean.

Remarkably, Cayce predicted that portions of Atlantis would begin to reemerge in 1968 or 1969. When the enigmatic Bimini Road, a formation of underwater stones, was discovered in the Caribbean around that same time, some believers in Cayce’s visions felt vindicated. However, scientists have largely written off the Bimini Road as a natural phenomenon, and Cayce’s detailed descriptions of energy crystals and levitation remain the stuff of science fiction.

Seeking Truth in a Sea of Theory

The elusive city of Atlantis, as a historical reality or philosophical parable, has seeped deeply into popular culture. From books to movies, the concept of an ancient, lost world continues to captivate our collective imagination. What’s fascinating is not just the story itself, but our unending drive to solve the unsolvable, to find answers where only questions seem to exist.

Each theory brings with it a promise of discovery, a glimpse into a world that might have once been or perhaps never was. The search for Atlantis spans across scientific fields — archaeology, geology, and oceanography — and equally through the human heart’s boundless curiosity.

Do we believe that the walls of Atlantis will rise from the ocean depths, illustrating the narratives told over millennia? Or do we take the tale as a cautionary metaphor, warning future generations of the perils of hubris and the ephemeral nature of civilization? Ultimately, Atlantis serves as a mirror, reflecting our wonder at the unknown and our timeless pursuit to understand our own place in history.

Regardless of whether the fabled city of Atlantis ever existed, it has stirred a quest that goes beyond physical exploration. It is about the human spirit’s exploration: an endeavor for meaning, a call to adventure, and an unquenchable yearning to uncover the secrets of the world. Atlantis, real or not, is a testament to the part of us that looks out at the vast expanse of ocean and dreams of the wonders that might lie beneath.

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