Project Artichoke: The CIA’s Quest to Create a Mind-Controlled Assassin

Delve into the chilling world of Project Artichoke, a covert CIA program from the 1950s aiming to manipulate minds. Explore the dark experiments involving hypnosis, drugs, and more. Uncover the secrets, controversies, and lingering mysteries surrounding this disturbing chapter in history.

Imagine if you could be hypnotized or drugged into doing something against your will, even something that goes against your basic instincts of survival. Imagine if someone could manipulate your mind and make you forget what you did or why you did it. Imagine if you could become a weapon in the hands of a secret agency without your knowledge or consent.

This may sound like a plot from a science fiction movie, but it was actually the goal of a real project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the early 1950s. The project was called Artichoke, and it was one of the most controversial and secretive experiments in the history of the CIA.

What was Project Artichoke?

Project Artichoke was a mind control program that aimed to research methods of interrogation and influence. It was initially known as Project Bluebird, and it officially began on August 20, 1951. It was operated by the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence in collaboration with the intelligence divisions of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and FBI.

The primary question that Project Artichoke tried to answer was: “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?” To find out, the project used various techniques, such as hypnosis, drugs, isolation, electroshock, and psychological harassment, to induce states of vulnerability, amnesia, and compliance in human subjects.

One of the most notorious objectives of Project Artichoke was to determine whether a person could be involuntarily made to perform an act of attempted assassination. A CIA document states that if hypnosis succeeded, assassins could be created to kill “a prominent [redacted] politician or, if necessary, [an] American official.”

Project Artichoke also studied the effects of different substances, such as cocaine, heroin, peyote, mescaline, and LSD, on the human mind and body. LSD was especially seen as a promising drug, as it could induce hallucinations, paranoia, and confusion. One record states that an agent was kept on LSD for 77 days.

Project Artichoke also researched the potential of biological weapons such as dengue fever and other diseases. A declassified memo read: “Not all viruses have to be lethal. The objective includes those that act as short-term and long-term incapacitating agents.”

How was Project Artichoke conducted?

Project Artichoke was carried out both in-house and overseas, in locations such as Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Philippines. The project involved teams of agents, doctors, scientists, and psychologists, who were instructed to “conduct at the overseas bases operational experiments utilizing aliens as subjects.” The term “aliens” referred to foreign nationals, such as defectors, refugees, prisoners of war, and others, who were considered expendable and easy to manipulate.

The project also used American citizens as subjects, often without their consent or awareness. Some subjects were CIA agents themselves, who were given LSD or other drugs to test their reactions and loyalty. Some subjects were mental patients, prisoners, or military personnel, who were subjected to harsh and unethical treatments. Some subjects were unwitting civilians, who were dosed with drugs or hypnotized in public places, such as bars, restaurants, or hotels.

The project was highly secretive and compartmentalized, and the records were regularly destroyed or falsified. The project was overseen by a CIA officer named Paul F. Gaynor, who was a former U.S. Army brigadier general. Gaynor reported directly to the CIA director, and he had the authority to approve or reject any proposal or operation related to Project Artichoke.

What happened to Project Artichoke?

Project Artichoke lasted until 1953, when it was replaced by a more extensive and ambitious mind control program, called Project MKUltra. Project MKUltra continued to explore the same themes and methods as Project Artichoke, but on a larger scale and with more funding and resources. MKUltra was exposed to the public in 1975, by a congressional committee led by Senator Frank Church.

The legacy of Project Artichoke is still shrouded in mystery and controversy. The exact number and identity of the subjects, the results, and outcomes of the experiments, and the ethical and legal implications of the project are still unknown or disputed. Some subjects may have suffered permanent physical or psychological damage, or even died, as a result of the project. Some techniques or technologies developed by the project may have been used or abused by the CIA or other agencies in later years. Some of the secrets or scandals related to the project may have never been revealed or resolved.

Project Artichoke was another dark and disturbing chapter in the history of the CIA and the United States. It showed how far some people were willing to go to achieve their goals, regardless of the moral or human cost. It also raised important questions about the nature and limits of human freedom, dignity, and responsibility. It makes us wonder: How much control do we have over our own minds and actions? And how much control do others have over us?

Private Citizens and Public Servants

We are PRIVATE citizens. The government should know NOTHING about us. They are PUBLIC servants. We should know EVERYTHING about THEM.

We are PRIVATE citizens.
The government should know NOTHING about us.
They are PUBLIC servants.
We should know EVERYTHING about THEM.

The Jack Ruby Connection: The LBJ Conspiracy in the JFK Assassination

Dive into the shadows of history as we unveil the mysterious Jack Ruby connection, exposing the alleged LBJ conspiracy in the tragic JFK assassination saga.

The tragic assassination of President John F. Kennedy remains shrouded in a web of mysteries and conspiracies in the annals of American history. One pivotal figure in this mystery is Jack Ruby, the man who, on live television, shot Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of JFK. What unfolded in that chaotic moment, as Ruby pulled the trigger, has since fueled speculations and theories, with some suggesting a deeper conspiracy involving then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ). Let’s look into the cryptic testimony of Jack Ruby, explore the shadows that hint at a connection between Ruby’s actions and a larger conspiracy involving LBJ, and unravel the mystery surrounding Ruby’s own demise.

The Man Behind the Trigger

Jack Ruby, a nightclub owner with connections in the Dallas underworld, became an unexpected protagonist in the aftermath of Kennedy’s assassination. On November 24, 1963, just days after JFK’s death, Ruby shot Oswald in the basement of the Dallas Police Department. The public spectacle of this act, broadcasted on live television, marked a surreal twist in the already surreal narrative surrounding Kennedy’s murder.

Ruby’s motives for killing Oswald have been a subject of intense scrutiny. While the official explanation proposes that Ruby acted out of grief and a sense of justice, there are tantalizing hints that his actions might have been influenced by forces beyond a simple desire for retribution.

Unraveling Ruby’s Testimony

In the aftermath of the shooting, Jack Ruby faced legal proceedings that sought to uncover the motives behind his impulsive act. During the trial, Ruby’s testimony unfolded like a cryptic script, leaving breadcrumbs that hinted at a deeper narrative.

One notable moment occurred when Ruby was asked about his motivation for shooting Oswald. Instead of providing a straightforward answer, Ruby’s response hinted at a larger conspiracy. He alluded to being a pawn in a game orchestrated by powerful figures, suggesting that he was not acting alone.

The LBJ Connection

The most intriguing aspect of Ruby’s cryptic testimony revolves around his subtle references to Lyndon B. Johnson. While not explicitly implicating LBJ, Ruby’s words and demeanor during the trial raise questions about the extent of Johnson’s involvement in the events surrounding Kennedy’s assassination.

Ruby’s insinuations about being a mere cog in a larger machine aligned with theories circulating at the time that LBJ might have had a motive to eliminate JFK. Some theorists argue that Johnson, eager to ascend to the presidency, had a hand in orchestrating Kennedy’s demise. Ruby’s cryptic testimony adds fuel to this speculative fire.

Jack Ruby Implicates LBJ in JFK’s Assassination:

Connecting the Dots

To understand the potential LBJ connection, we must examine the political climate of the era. Lyndon B. Johnson, a skilled political operator, had ambitions that reached beyond the vice presidency. Some theorists argue that Johnson, fearing exclusion from the political spotlight, may have sought to eliminate JFK to pave his way to the presidency.

Ruby’s cryptic remarks about being a pawn in a larger game align with the notion that powerful forces were at play behind the scenes. While these theories fall short of providing concrete evidence, they underscore the lingering doubts and suspicions surrounding the official narrative of Kennedy’s assassination.

Unanswered Questions

Decades after these events, questions surrounding Jack Ruby’s true motivations persist. The perplexity of his cryptic testimony, coupled with the persistent whispers of a larger conspiracy involving LBJ, leaves the door wide open for alternative narratives and theories.

The legacy of that fateful day in Dallas continues to be a tapestry of uncertainties and unexplored avenues. Jack Ruby’s role, once considered a mere footnote in the larger narrative, emerges as a pivotal piece in the puzzle that is the Kennedy assassination.

Ruby’s Mysterious Demise

Adding another layer of intrigue to the narrative is the mysterious death of Jack Ruby. While in prison awaiting a new trial, Ruby succumbed to a sudden and fatal illness on January 3, 1967. His death, just three years after the shooting of Oswald, fueled speculation that Ruby might have been silenced to prevent him from revealing more about the events surrounding Kennedy’s assassination.

Digging into the details of Ruby’s death, the official cause listed on the death certificate was pulmonary embolism, a condition where a blood clot lodges in the lungs, leading to respiratory failure. However, the circumstances of Ruby’s sudden illness and the rapid progression of his demise have sparked skepticism and fueled conspiracy theories.

Questions linger regarding the timing and nature of Ruby’s illness. Was it a mere coincidence, or did it serve a darker purpose? Some theorists suggest that Ruby’s death may have been orchestrated to silence a potential informant, raising doubts about the official narrative surrounding his demise.


In the dark corridors of history, the shadows of doubt and suspicion persist. Jack Ruby’s cryptic testimony, when viewed through the lens of a potential LBJ connection, adds layers of intrigue to an already complex narrative. While concrete evidence remains elusive, the echoes of that moment in the Dallas Police Department basement reverberate, inviting us to peer into the shadows and question the veracity of the official story. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the past, the mystery of Jack Ruby’s actions, the potential involvement of Lyndon B. Johnson, and the mystery surrounding Ruby’s own demise remain as elusive and compelling as ever.

Behind Closed Doors: The Secret World of the CIA’s 7th Floor

In the labyrinthine world of intelligence agencies and covert operations, there exists a concealed chamber at the heart of power – the enigmatic 7th Floor of CIA Headquarters. This elusive realm has long been the subject of speculation, drawing intrigue and curiosity from those seeking to understand the inner workings of the United States' intelligence apparatus.

In the labyrinthine world of intelligence agencies and covert operations, there exists a concealed chamber at the heart of power – the enigmatic 7th Floor of CIA Headquarters. This elusive realm has long been the subject of speculation, drawing intrigue and curiosity from those seeking to understand the inner workings of the United States’ intelligence apparatus. While it remains a discreet and secretive domain, this article aims to shed light on the 7th Floor’s role in shaping the fate of the nation, subtly influencing presidential elections, and guiding the direction of the country’s governance.

The Veil of Secrecy

Picture the 7th Floor as a covert club within the CIA, a secret society, but not in the traditional sense. This is where the most powerful and influential minds gather to make decisions that have a profound impact on the United States. From the outside, it’s just another floor in the Langley headquarters, but behind its closed doors lies a world shrouded in mystery and intrigue.

Recruitment and Induction

One of the 7th Floor’s most guarded secrets is its recruitment process. This is no job application or interview in the conventional sense. Those who make it to this elite level of the CIA are handpicked based on their unwavering loyalty, extraordinary skills, and an innate understanding of how to wield power. There are no formal qualifications or CVs; this is the realm of whispers and connections.

Operational Control

While the President of the United States may appear to be the nation’s ultimate decision-maker, the 7th Floor possesses a hidden authority that extends beyond the White House. It operates in the shadows, using its vast network of operatives, informants, and surveillance capabilities to control information flow and manipulate the course of events.

The Art of Manipulation

The 7th Floor masters the art of manipulation. It is about rigging elections and exerting brute force; it is about controlling the narrative, shaping public opinion, and subtly influencing the masses. Information is the key, and the 7th Floor holds the master key.

Influence Over Presidential Elections

Ever wondered how certain presidential candidates rise to power? It’s not just charisma and political savvy that propel them to the top. The 7th Floor plays an integral role in selecting and grooming candidates who align with its interests. Through a sophisticated system of intelligence-gathering and strategic maneuvering, it ensures that only the most controllable and accommodating individuals make it to the final race.

Running the Show

Once the President takes office, the 7th Floor continues to pull the strings. They feed crucial information, shape policy decisions, and maintain a tight grip on classified operations. The President may be the face of the nation, but behind the scenes, it’s the 7th Floor that steers the ship. The President is essentially a puppet.

The Elusive Puppet Masters

The most astonishing aspect of the 7th Floor’s operations is its ability to remain in the shadows. While names like the FBI, NSA, and other intelligence agencies are well-known, the 7th Floor remains discreet, quietly orchestrating events from the background. It’s the true puppet master in the theater of power.

Unseen Hand in World Affairs

The 7th Floor’s influence isn’t confined to domestic matters alone. It extends its reach globally, dictating foreign policy, espionage, and even the rise and fall of leaders in other nations. This hidden hand has far-reaching consequences, shaping the world order in ways we can scarcely comprehend.

Checks and Balances?

You might be wondering, “What about checks and balances?” Well, the 7th Floor has mastered the art of staying beyond the reach of any oversight. It manipulates internal investigations, silences dissent, and exerts control over media outlets to ensure its secrets remain hidden.

The Power of Information

In the digital age, information is the currency of power. The 7th Floor’s control over information, both classified and public, gives it an edge that no other entity possesses. It’s not just about spying or espionage; it’s about controlling narratives and shaping the collective consciousness of the nation.

The Invisible Struggle

You might be tempted to think of the 7th Floor as a monolithic entity, but within its ranks, there are power struggles and rivalries. While the ultimate goal remains the same – to influence and shape the nation – different factions vie for dominance, and this internal strife can have far-reaching consequences.

The Price of Silence

To maintain its covert operations, the 7th Floor relies on a culture of silence. Those within its ranks are bound by a code of secrecy, knowing that any breach could have dire consequences. This silence extends to whistleblowers, who are silenced through various means.

The Question of Accountability

The question of accountability is a pertinent one. How can an entity like the 7th Floor be held responsible for its actions when it remains beyond the purview of conventional oversight? The answer remains elusive, and as long as the 7th Floor continues to operate in the shadows, accountability will remain a distant dream.

Final Thoughts

As we journey through the dark corridors of power and secrecy, one must grapple with the disquieting reality that the 7th Floor’s influence serves as a chilling reflection of a secret realm that persists in our world. The implications of this shadowy force extend beyond the confines of imagination, and its impact on the nation’s fate is an unsettling reminder of the ambiguity surrounding true power.

In a world where secrecy reigns and the machinery of influence remains hidden, we are left with disconcerting questions that echo in the void of accountability. It is in this murkiness that we must confront the ominous specter of unchecked authority and its pervasive reach, pushing us to scrutinize the depths of our government with a wary eye.

The 7th Floor serves as a haunting reminder of the concealed forces that shape our collective destiny. It is a somber reflection on the nature of power and the weighty silence that surrounds those who govern from the shadows. As we conclude this journey, we must acknowledge that, sometimes, reality can be far darker than fiction, and the true depth of influence remains hidden beneath layers of secrecy.


Obama overthrew, infiltrated, filled and restructured every government agency which could have held him responsible so that they could no longer function to protect Americans. They are now designed to attack and silence them.

Obama overthrew, infiltrated, filled and restructured every government agency which could have held him responsible so that they could no longer function to protect Americans. They are now designed to attack and silence them.

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