Joke Of The Day: What Religion Is Your Bra?

Rubber ChickenA man walked into the ladies’ department of Macy’s and shyly said to the woman at the counter, “I’d like to buy a bra for my wife.”

“What type of bra?” asked the clerk.

“Type?” inquired the man. “There’s more than one type?”

“Look around,” said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color, and material imaginable. “Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose from.”

Relieved, the man asked about the types.

The saleslady replied, “There are the Catholic, the Salvation Army, the Presbyterian, and the Baptist types. Which one would you prefer?”

Now befuddled again, the man asked about the differences between them.

The saleslady responded, “It’s really quite simple. The Catholic type supports the masses. The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen, the Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright, and the Baptist type makes mountains out of mole hills.”



Joke Of The Day

A Chinese Guy goes to a Jewish busniessman to buy black bras, size 38.

The Jewish guy, known for his skills as a businessman, says that black bras are rare and that he is finding it very difficult to buy them from his suppliers.

Therefore he has to charge $50.00 for them.

The Chinese guy buys 25 pairs of them.

He returns a few days later and this time he orders fifty.

The Jewish guy tells him that they have become even harder to get and charges him $60.00 for each one.

The Chinese guy returns a month later and buys the remaining stock of 50, this time for $75.00 each.

The Jewish gentleman is somewhat puzzled by the large demand for black bras in size 38 and ask the Chinese guy “Please tell me what do you do with all the black bras?”

The Chinese guy answers “I cut them in half and sell them as skull caps to you Jewish fellows for $200.00 each!”

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