Blood Compatibility Made Easy

Blood Compatibility Made Easy

Blood compatibility can seem like an impossible puzzle to figure out when you’re first learning.

However, once you learn some important properties of blood, it’s a lot easier to determine why certain blood types are compatible over others. In this post, we are going to review the blood components, blood typing, blood matching and compatibility.

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The 8 Facts About The Blood Types

All people are either A, B, AB or 0 blood type from birth.

The 8 Facts About The Blood Types

Experts say that every type has its own traits and here is the list:

1. Blood type and offsprings

85% of people are Rh + and if the woman is Rh- and man is Rh+ for conceiving, there is risk of health issues in the child.

2. Blood type and diseases

Depending on the health, every type is more or less prone to issues so check this out.

3. Blood type and diet

Know your type and see which diet suits you best and which has to be avoided. Type A need more veggies, 0 need more fish and meat, AB seafood and lean meat and B need red meat.

4. Blood antigens

These are in the GI tract, blood, nostrils and lungs, but also colon and mouth.

5. Blood type and stress

Those with type 0 need more relaxing than the rest.

6. Blood type and weight

The type also says a lot for the weight. Type 0 can have more belly fat, and type A have almost no issues.

7. Blood type and pregnancy

Women with AB conceive easier than the rest and have less making of follicle-hormones.

8. Blood type and urgencies

If you need blood transfusing, know that 0 type Rh- can be universal donors and AB are universal recipients.

