Who exactly does the NFL think their main audience is? Liberal snowflakes? No, it’s men and women who love their country and flag. Do they think that Liberals will suddenly flock to replace our seats and cancelled NFL ticket and cable subscriptions? Hell no. And even if they did good luck letting them in the gate, they’re offended by everything. Before you know it the game would devolve into touch football where you get a penalty if you had “mean eyes” when you touched your opponent. It’s really infuriating because I loved this sport and the Social Justice Warriors had to sh*t all over this too.



The Cowboys take a knee BEFORE the anthem, to support those kneeling during the anthem, but then stood for the anthem out of respect, but locked arms because they didn’t want to show TOO much respect.

The NFL is gone. First, commercial interests took it and loaded it up with crap. Then, the Cultural Marxists got it. It’s gone. I’m sorry.