Former FBI Assistant Director: “Our Country Is Going Down The Tubes”

Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom endorses Donald Trump… and he gets quite emotional about it: “Our country is going down the tubes.”

“The Clinton Foundation should be investigated under the RICO laws of the United States.” ~ James Kallstrom


7 thoughts on “Former FBI Assistant Director: “Our Country Is Going Down The Tubes”

  1. Yes, the country is going down the tubes. The lead tuber is spelled “Trump” There has never been a worse candidate for president.

    Even more terrible, Hillary Clinton isn’t much better. When the country s offered such horrible choices for president, it shows haw far it has fallen.
    I predict that, in less than 50 years, the USA will be splint into several mutually antagonistic countries. So long America, it was nice to know ya.

  2. No one acknowledges that God is still in charge, and if we don’t get our act together in a responsible manner, you will reap more than you know! We are first and foremost a Christian nation and those who are attempting to remove faith from our way of life are going to have hell to pay. Pray forvAmerica before America preys on you!!!

  3. You are full of it Prove there is any god at any time. If you can’t admit it and resort to your usual lies “Heaven awaits you” (if you believe what I tell you to believe) and empty threats “You’re going to hell”

    Proof, proof. If you had any, you wouldn’t need those lies and threats.

    You theists are arrogant, obnoxious, judgmental,, unforgiving, hypocritical, bigoted, and the worst people on earth.

  4. Hi Jim, Life is short, Death is certain, Hell is real, God loves you and doesn’t want you to go to a Christless eternity. It’s not too late. His Word is truth. I dare you to read the Gospel of John. God bless.

  5. You are arrogant and delusional. Prove that any god has ever existed. All you theists have are false promises of a paradise (lies) and empty threats of a hell. If you had any fact at all, would you need lies and threats?

    Your christ never existed, either. Read this and, for once in your life, think!

    A Few Noticeable Events in the Life of Jesus

    Herod’s slaughter of all the baby boys in Bethlehem.

    Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem, where the entire town welcomes him as their king.

    Jesus casting out the greedy moneychangers. (in an area about the size of 34 football fields)

    Two earthquakes hit Jerusalem.

    Supernatural darkness covers “all the land” for hours.

    The Sacred Temple curtain tears from top to bottom.

    All the dead holy men in the cemetery come out of their graves and wander Jerusalem, “appearing to many.”

    And yet, contemporary historians in the time of Jesus didn’t write about any of this. Your religion was founded upon lies and has never stopped lying.

  6. Believe what? Beliefs are like faith. They are accepting as true something for which there is no verifiable evidence. I have knowledge that is supported by facts.

    I know from experience that theists are obnoxious, arrogant, violent, judgmental, unforgiving, smug, and delusional. In my entire life, every time I have been lied to, cheated, assaulted verbally or physically, it has always been by a “good christian.” Yes I know the every theist is not that way. But substitute “redhead” for “christian.” Would you become wary of people with red hair, even though you personally knew some that were nothing lie that?

    For self-protection, one has to side with the percentages, especially when they are as lopsided as these are.

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