Joke Of The Day: The Arrangement

Rubber Chicken Judge Hammonds and Judge Ridgeley were both arrested on a Tuesday for over-speeding. Instead of being tried in court by a third judge, they had this brilliant idea to hear each others case.

Judge Hammonds took the bench while Judge Ridgeley stood at the defendant’s table. As pre-arranged, Judge Ridgeley admitted that he was guilty. Judge Hammonds let go the fine, and only gave a small reprimand.

They switched places and now it was Judge Ridgeley’s turn to pass the judgement. Judge Hammonds admitted to the charge of speeding, and Judge Ridgeley wasted no time in fining the other judge $300 plus court expenses.

Judge Hammonds was infuriated and demanded from Judge Ridgeley why he had not kept his part of the bargain.

Judge Ridgeley was calm and replied, “Well, this is the 2nd such case in a day. Someone needs to get strict about all this over-speeding!”