How The Heart Actually Pumps Blood

In this Ted-Ed animated video, Edmond Hui teams up with animator Anton Bogaty to explain the often misunderstood inner-workings of the human heart.


For most of history, scientists weren’t quite sure why our hearts were beating or even what purpose they served. Eventually, we realized that these thumping organs serve the vital task of pumping clean blood throughout the body. But how? Edmond Hui investigates how it all works by taking a closer look at the heart’s highly efficient ventricle system.


Why Do Dogs Smell Each Other’s Butts?

The cutting edge of dog butt science.


We are getting to the bottom of one of the biggest quandaries in science: Why dogs sniff each other’s butts. Turns out this behavior is just one of many interesting forms of chemical communication in the animal kingdom. Dogs use a special feature called the Jacobsen’s Organ to get chemical signals from their nose sent directly to their brain.


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