Reagan vs. Obama On Shooting Down Passenger Airliners

Compare And Contrast: Reagan vs. Obama On Shooting Down Passenger Airliners

There is a saying that great men make history and history makes great men.

Reagan vs. Obama

On September 5th, 1983, then President Ronald Reagan addressed the American public after the Soviets shot down Korean airliner KAL 007.

“My fellow Americans, I’m coming before you tonight about a Korean airline massacre. The attack by the Soviet Union against 269 innocent men, women, and children aboard an unarmed Korean passenger plane. This crime against humanity must never be forgotten.”

Compare the former president’s strong response to the current president’s line about the Malaysian airliner MH17 reportedly shot down by the Russians, believed to have killed 280 passengers and 15 crew:

“It is wonderful to be back in Delaware. Before I begin, obviously the world is watching reports of a downed passenger jet near the Russia-Ukraine border. It looks like it may be a terrible tragedy. Right now we’re working to determine whether there were American citizens on board. That is our first priority.”

President Obama then returned to his prepared statement on pitching more shovel-ready jobs to Americans. The contrast couldn’t be anymore clear.


Here’s President Ronald Reagan talking about the Russian attack on Korean Airlines Flight KAL-007:

Now here’s Barry talking about the (apparent) Russian attack on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17:

Nuff said!

One thought on “Reagan vs. Obama On Shooting Down Passenger Airliners

  1. Yeah, Reagans reaction over 007 nearly caused WW3 when Able Archer was carried out later that year. They really thought he was going to push the button and nearly all of you were incinerated because of a two-bit actor with Alzheimer’s.

    Oh, and when did that wall actually come down? Years later in another presidency because of factors that Reagan had no control over; the price of crude, the invasion of Afghanistan, and the policies of Glasnost which Gorbachev was only able to enact after removing significant opposition.

    I guess that means Reagan could finally take credit for killing Gadaffi too… LOL! Too bad OBL was one of his best friends!

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