5 thoughts on “Poster Of The Day: Dear God – Pajama Boy

  1. Are you actually saying that war is a good thing? And that every man in our society needs to kill or be killed at 27 to have a worthwhile society?

    My God. YOU are what’s wrong with this world. My father was stationed in Japan in WWII. He nearly lost his life several times – and he was a strong advocate for peace and totally against wars in more recent years. HE is what a “real man” is — not someone who equates guns and killing people with “masculinity” – that’s just a 4-year-old’s definition of “a real man.” Grow up. Read some Gandhi. And try to work for a BETTER world. The old killing-and-warfare caveman mentality is getting old.

    1. Wow…How do you make such a leap???? When is drinking out of a canteen cup equating killing as being mascline? I am a military vet and not in favor of war. Your father should also be praised for his service to our country as many million other vets. This simply points out how the left looks as someone who is suppose to be an adult trying to sell a failed entitlement program. At 27 years old a “kid” should be out earning a living, not sitting around sipping cocoa in his “onesy”…Just another example how liberals have no sense of humor.

      1. You mean you don’t see that the whole point of the picture and caption is to claim that being a soldier is better than being a nerd?
        (and) as they told me in the army, the exclusive or at least main purpose of the army is to kill people and break things.
        The smile and the drinking out of the canteen cup are diversions.

  2. The whole point of juxtaposing the photos is to compare “The Greatest Generation” with the generation of dependents which have been spawned and enabled to simply stay at home and siphon off their parents’ hard work. Anyone who thinks it is okay for a kid in his/her 20’s or 30’s to work part time, or not at all, live in his/her parent’s basement (or elsewhere in the house), and rely on mommy and daddy to take care of them, is out of their gourds!! This is our tax $$$ being used to reach out to “kids” who do not want to grow up and be responsible!

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