There is a New Girl in Town, and it ain’t Hillary

Sarah Palin is a lifetime member of the NRA and a bitter clinger.

Sarah Palin is an absolutely brilliant choice for Vice President and the pictures above say it all. She has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined! She has lived outside the beltway all her life! She, not Obama, represents real CHANGE for America.

This pick gives me HOPE for America, not HOPE based on money…but HOPE based on morality, compassion, wisdom and patriotism.

To paraphrase Michelle Obama; “For the first time in years, I am proud to be a Republican.”

Here is the video of McCain’s announcement. Sarah’s attitude and spunk are inspiring. Could she be America’s version of a young Margret Thatcher?

Sen. John McCain announces Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate.