Iran… It’s time to roll

Thanks to the treasonous, french loving, terrorist sympathising, surrender monkey democrats, Iran is making plans with al-Qaida and Sunni Arab militias in Iraq in preparation for a summer showdown with coalition forces intended to make the US Congress vote for full military withdrawal.

I say that if Iran wants nukes, we give them nukes. It’s time to make Iran a parking lot before this gets worse.

“Iran is fighting a proxy war in Iraq and it’s a very dangerous course for them to be following. They are already committing daily acts of war against US and British forces,” a senior US official in Baghdad warned. “They [Iran] are behind a lot of high-profile attacks meant to undermine US will and British will, such as the rocket attacks on Basra palace and the Green Zone [in Baghdad]. The attacks are directed by the Revolutionary Guard who are connected right to the top [of the Iranian government].”